Food Experiment: GlucoTrojan

How well does a new food additive my glucose spikes?

Richard Sprague


June 7, 2023

JBA GlucoTrojan is a powdered version of Reducose that comes in small packets (about $1 each) that you add to a drink before eating. It supposedly reduces glucose spikes, and as part of a trial with Tastermonial, I’ve been testing it to see how well it works for me.

GlucoTrojan uses a proprietary extract that reduces the way the body processes glucose

I did two tests using a high-carb meal made of rice and bone broth from A Dozen Cousins.

A Dozen Cousins makes this handy microwavable rice packet

One two separate mornings on an empty stomach, I drank a glass of water mixed with GlucoTrojan powder and then I ate the entire rice packet. Then I used my open source cgrmr package to do this analysis.

foodname = "Rice Bone Broth"

food_results_a <- cgmr::food_times_df(cgm_data = taster, foodname=foodname)

food_results_a[food_results_a$meal=="1234-6/3-Rice Bone Broth","meal"] <- "Rice"
food_results_a[food_results_a$meal=="1234-6/5-Rice Bone Broth","meal"] <- "Rice w/ GlycoTrojan"

cgmr::plot_food(food_results_a, foodname = foodname) + psi_theme

cgmr::food_table(food_results_a)  %>% 
    kable(digits = 0) %>%
    kableExtra::kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed"))
Experiment IAUC Min Max Rise
Rice w/ GlycoTrojan 2138 0 33 19
Rice 2520 0 44 14

Another Food: Yogurt

Next I tried a few experiments with a standardized meal, high in carbs:

  • 3/4 cup yogurt
  • 2 TBS flaxseed
  • 1 banana
foodname = "Yogurt"

food_results_a <- cgmr::food_times_df(cgm_data = taster, foodname=foodname)

food_results_a[food_results_a$meal=="1234-6/5-Yogurt","meal"] <- "Yogurt-6/5"
food_results_a[food_results_a$meal=="1234-6/8-Yogurt","meal"] <- "Yogurt-6/8 GlucoTrojan"
food_results_a[food_results_a$meal=="1234-6/9-Yogurt","meal"] <- "Yogurt-6/9 GlucoTrojan"
food_results_a[food_results_a$meal=="1234-6/12-Yogurt","meal"] <- "Yogurt-6/12 GlucoTrojan"
food_results_a[food_results_a$meal=="1234-6/13-Yogurt","meal"] <- "Yogurt-6/13"
food_results_a[food_results_a$meal=="1234-6/14-Yogurt","meal"] <- "Yogurt-6/14"
food_results_a[food_results_a$meal=="1234-6/15-Yogurt","meal"] <- "Yogurt-6/15 GlucoTrojan"

g = cgmr::plot_intervention(food_results_a, "GlucoTrojan")

g + psi_theme + guides(color = guide_legend(title = "Reducose")) 

# cgmr::plot_food(food_results_a, foodname = foodname) + psi_theme
cgmr::food_table(food_results_a)  %>% 
    kable(digits = 0) %>%
    kableExtra::kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed"))
Experiment IAUC Min Max Rise
Yogurt-6/12 GlucoTrojan 523 -7 13 -7
Yogurt-6/9 GlucoTrojan 738 -6 19 0
Yogurt-6/15 GlucoTrojan 910 -3 19 -1
Yogurt-6/13 957 -10 23 -10
Yogurt-6/8 GlucoTrojan 965 -2 21 0
Yogurt-6/14 1936 -14 45 -13
Yogurt-6/5 3822 0 62 27


At least on this simple test, GlucoTrojan appears to work, significantly reducing my glucose levels long after the meal.