Tajin spice
Not to brag or anything, but my dinner tonight was excellent:
I diced and then sauteed the rest of the eggplant that had been sitting in the refrigerator forever. There was a little zucchini squash left over from a few nights ago, so I added that too, plus a little garlic. When the sautee was finished, I mopped up the remaining oil with some spinach.
I cubed up one organic sweet potato and steamed it on the stove for five or ten minutes and then smothered it in a ton of butter — and a smidge of Grandpa’s maple syrup.
But the best part was the Tajín: it’s a chili-based spice that you shake on anything to give it a nice kick — not too hot, just a little sweet, but with an overall flavor that’s different from anything you’ve ever tasted. Everipedia says it’s especially good on fruits like mangos or melons, but I think it’d be good on just about anything.
No animals were harmed in the making of this meal. Just good ole fashioned vegetables and a great new flavor.