Reducose Experiments


Richard Sprague


May 25, 2019

this is a draft posting…I’ll be updating it as I complete my experiments and analysis

Some friends at Phynova heard about my CGM experiments and asked me to try their new supplement, Reducose, which contains a proprietary extract of Mulberry leaves which they claim can reduce a person’s glucose response by up to 40% with no side effects. I’ve been testing it on myself to find out.

It seemed very effective when I tried it with different types of bread.

Whole Wheat Bread

Experiment IAUC Min Max Rise
1234-4/1-Whole Wheat bread 2371 -11 72 -11
1234-4/4-Whole Wheat bread 2536 -14 63 -14
1234-4/2-Whole Wheat bread 3158 0 54 26


So I tried with some Quaker Oats Granola and milk, whose high sugar content usually produces a big glucose spike:

Quaker Oats Granola with milk (two servings)

Experiment IAUC Min Max Rise
1234-5/23-Granola cereal 1222 -2 32 -2
1234-5/23-Granola cereal w/milk 1222 -2 32 -2
1234-5/25-Granola cereal 1496 0 26 5
1234-5/25-Granola cereal w/milk 1496 0 26 5
1234-5/25-Granola cereal w/milk \(Reducose\) 1496 0 26 5
1234-5/22-Granola cereal 3135 0 49 16
1234-5/22-Granola cereal w/milk 3135 0 49 16
1234-5/22-Granola cereal w/milk \(Reducose\) 3135 0 49 16

Salmon and Rice

Then I tried it with some salmon and rice. This rice was boiled with a mixture of water and coconut milk for flavor as well as to add fat.

Salmon plus rice made with coconut milk

Experiment IAUC Min Max Rise
1234-5/23-Salmon \+ coconut rice 2 -44 1 -3
1234-5/23-Salmon \+ coconut rice \(Reducose\) 1751 0 26 26


Reducose with a banana
foodname <- list( "Banana \\(Reducose\\)", "Banana \\(Reducose T\\-10\\)", "Banana \\(Reducose T\\-20\\)")

food_results_a <- cgmr::food_times_df(cgm_data = taster, foodnames=foodname)

cgmr::plot_food(food_results_a, foodname = foodname) + psi_theme

cgmr::food_table(food_results_a)  %>% 
    kable(digits = 0) %>%
    kableExtra::kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed"))
Experiment IAUC Min Max Rise
1234-5/28-Banana \(Reducose T\-10\) 2541 0 46 11
cgmr::plot_intervention(food_results_a, "banana")


 foodname <- list("Oatmeal \\(plain\\)","Oatmeal w/milk","Oatmeal w/butter", "Oatmeal w/cinnamon", "Oatmeal \\(Reducose\\)")
food_results_a <- taster %>%
    .$notes_records <- .$notes_records %>% 
      filter(lubridate::year(Start) == 2019, lubridate::month(Start) == 5)
  } %>%
  cgmr::food_times_df(foodnames = foodname)

cgmr::plot_food(food_results_a, foodname = foodname) + psi_theme

cgmr::food_table(food_results_a)  %>% 
    kable(digits = 0) %>%
    kableExtra::kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed"))
Experiment IAUC Min Max Rise
1234-5/26-Oatmeal \(Reducose\) 318 -10 16 -10

Each of these experiments was performed on a separate day, on an empty stomach.

I also tried to understand how much Reducose will affect meals later in the day. After one of the banana experiments above, I waited three hours for my glucose to stablize again and then I ate some whole wheat chips.

Multigrain chips, with a carefully measured serving size
foodname <- list("Chips", "Chips \\(Reducose\\)", "chips and guacamole")

food_results_a <- taster %>%
    .$notes_records <- .$notes_records %>% 
      filter(lubridate::year(Start) == 2019, lubridate::month(Start) == 5)
  } %>%
  cgmr::food_times_df(foodnames = foodname)

cgmr::plot_intervention(food_results_a, intervention="Reducose") + psi_theme

cgmr::food_table(food_results_a)  %>% 
    kable(digits = 0) %>%
    kableExtra::kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed"))
Experiment IAUC Min Max Rise
1234-5/27-Chips 70 -24 4 1
1234-5/23-Chips 1568 0 27 26
1234-5/23-chips and guacamole 1568 0 27 26
1234-5/29-Chips 1944 -4 43 28
1234-5/29-Chips \(Reducose\) 1951 -3 40 28
1234-5/30-Chips 2190 0 38 25


I don’t have conclusions yet because so many factors can influence this data and I’m not certain about my analysis. Stay tuned!