I’ve been tracking my glucose levels 24 x 7 using a continuous glucose monitor from Abbot Labs called the Freestyle Libre.

Read (and edit!) my Continuous Glucose Monitoring Hackers Guide for details for how to get started, plus as many resources as I know about other apps and links that you might find useful for beginning your own CGM analysis.

This is a short R script I use for my analysis.

First we read the data and put it into a tidy format in two dataframes:

libre_raw : the raw output from a Librelink CSV file. You could just read.csv straight from the CSV if you like.

activity_raw: your file containing the metadata about whatever you’d like to track. The following script assumes you’ll have variables for Sleep, Exercise, Food, and a catch-all called Event.

Now clean up the data and then set up a few other useful variables.


activity_raw$Start <- activity_raw$Start %>% lubridate::parse_date_time(order = "ymd HMS",tz = "US/Pacific")
activity_raw$End <- activity_raw$End %>% lubridate::parse_date_time(order = "ymd HMS", tz = "US/Pacific")

glucose <- libre_raw %>% select(time = "Meter Timestamp", 
                                scan = "Scan Glucose(mg/dL)",
                                hist = "Historic Glucose(mg/dL)",
                                strip = "Strip Glucose(mg/dL)",
                                food = "Notes")

#glucose$time <- readr::parse_datetime(libre_raw$`Meter Timestamp`,locale = locale(tz="US/Pacific"))

glucose$time <- as_datetime(libre_raw$`Meter Timestamp`, tz = "US/Pacific")
glucose$value <- dplyr::if_else(is.na(glucose$scan),glucose$hist,glucose$scan)

# apply correction for faulty 2019-01-08 sensor
#glucose$value <- dplyr::if_else(glucose$time>as_datetime("2019-01-08"),glucose$value+35,glucose$value)

glucose_raw <- glucose

# libre_raw$`Meter Timestamp` %>% lubridate::parse_date_time(order = "ymd HMS",tz = "US/Pacific")

Set up a few convenience functions.

# a handy ggplot object that draws a band through the "healthy" target zones across the width of any graph:
glucose_target_gg <-   geom_rect(aes(xmin=as.POSIXct(-Inf,  origin = "1970-01-01"),
                xmax=as.POSIXct(Inf,  origin= "1970-01-01"),
            alpha = 0.01, fill = "#CCCCCC",
            inherit.aes = FALSE)

# show glucose levels between start and end times
cgm_display <- function(start=lubridate::now()-lubridate::hours(18),
                        glucose_df=glucose_raw) {
  ggplot(glucose_df ,aes(x=time,y=value)) + geom_line(size=2, color = "red")+ 
  geom_point(stat = "identity", aes(x=time,y=strip), color = "blue")+
  glucose_target_gg + 
  geom_rect(data=activity_df %>% dplyr::filter(Activity == "Sleep") %>%
              select(xmin = Start,xmax = End) %>% cbind(ymin = -Inf, ymax = Inf),
            inherit.aes = FALSE) +
  geom_rect(data=activity_df %>% dplyr::filter(Activity == "Exercise") %>%
              select(xmin = Start,xmax = End),
            inherit.aes = FALSE) +
   geom_vline(xintercept = activity_df %>% 
               dplyr::filter(Activity == "Event" & Comment == "awake") %>% select("Start") %>% unlist(),
             color = "green") +
  geom_vline(xintercept = activity_df %>% 
               dplyr::filter(Activity == "Food") %>% select("Start") %>% unlist(),
             color = "yellow")+
  geom_text(data = activity_df %>%
              dplyr::filter(Activity == "Food") %>% select("Start","Comment") ,
            aes(x=Start,y=50, angle=90, hjust = FALSE,  label = Comment),
            size = 6) +
  labs(title = "Glucose (mg/dL)", subtitle = start) +  theme(plot.title = element_text(size=22))+
    scale_x_datetime(limits = c(start,end),
                     date_labels = "%m/%d %H:%M",
                     timezone = "US/Pacific")

# returns a dataframe giving all glucose values within "timelength" of a specific activity
food_effect <- function( foodlist = c("Oatmeal","Oatmeal w cinnamon"), activity_df = activity_raw, glucose_df = glucose_raw, timelength = lubridate::hours(2)){
  #food_df <- activity_df %>% dplyr::filter(str_detect(str_to_lower(activity_df$Comment),pattern = foodname))
  food_df <- activity_df %>% dplyr::filter(Comment %in% foodlist)
  food_df$Comment <- paste0(food_df$Comment,rownames(food_df))
  food_df_interval <- interval(food_df$Start,food_df$Start + hours(1))
  food_glucose <- glucose_df %>% dplyr::filter(apply(sapply(glucose_df$time,function(x) x %within% food_df_interval),2,any))
 # food_glucose <- glucose_df %>% dplyr::filter(sapply(glucose_df$time,function(x) x %within% food_df_interval))
  f <- cbind(food_glucose[1,],experiment = "test")
  a = NULL
  for(i in food_df$Start){
    i_time <- as_datetime(i, tz = "US/Pacific")
    # < rbind(i,a)
    g <- glucose_df %>% dplyr::filter(time %within% interval(i_time - minutes(10), i_time + timelength))
    p = match(as_datetime(i),food_df$Start)
    f <- rbind(f,cbind(g,experiment = food_df$Comment[p]))
  foods_experiment <- f[-1,]

View the last couple days of the dataset:

startDate <- now() - days(2) #min(glucose$time)


cgm_display(startDate,startDate + days(2))

Here’s just for a single day:

#pdf("icecream.pdf", width = 11, height = 8.5)
cgm_display(start = min(glucose_raw$time),min(glucose_raw$time)+hours(24))


The final full day of the dataset:

cgm_display(start = max(glucose_raw$time)-days(1), end = max(glucose_raw$time))

Food types

Here’s how I look when eating specific foods:

## Scale for 'x' is already present. Adding another scale for 'x', which
## will replace the existing scale.

Glucose Changes from drinking a latte
experiment max(value) min(value) change
Latte1 NA NA NA
latte2 120 74 46
latte3 99 86 13
latte4 100 90 10
latte5 107 87 20
latte6 115 96 19
Latte7 144 91 53
Latte8 136 88 48
Latte9 108 86 22
Latte10 104 84 20
Latte11 115 89 26
Chai Latte12 128 74 54
Latte13 103 82 21
latte14 107 92 15
Latte15 115 100 15
Latte16 133 100 33
Latte17 97 73 24
Latte18 82 69 13
Latte19 85 65 20
Latte20 101 69 32
Latte21 93 67 26
Latte22 104 81 23
Latte23 113 74 39
Latte24 100 74 26

Basic Statistics

What is my average glucose level while sleeping?


options(scipen = 999)

# all sleep intervals, using the lubridate function lubridate::interval
# sleep_intervals <- interval(activity_raw %>% dplyr::filter(Activity == "Sleep") %>% select(Start)
#                             %>% unlist() %>% as_datetime(),
#                             activity_raw %>% dplyr::filter(Activity == "Sleep") %>% select(End) 
#                             %>% unlist() %>% as_datetime())

activity_intervals <- function(activity_raw_df, activity_name){
  interval(activity_raw_df %>% dplyr::filter(Activity == activity_name) %>% select(Start)
                            %>% unlist() %>% as_datetime(),
                            activity_raw_df %>% dplyr::filter(Activity ==activity_name) %>% select(End) 
                            %>% unlist() %>% as_datetime())

glucose %>% filter(apply(sapply(glucose$time,
                                function(x) x %within% activity_intervals(activity_raw,"Sleep")),2,any)) %>% select(value) %>% 
  DescTools::Desc(main = "Glucose Values While Sleeping")
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
## Describe . (tbl_df, tbl, data.frame):
## data.frame:  708 obs. of  1 variables
##   Nr  ColName  Class    NAs  Levels
##   1   value    numeric  .          
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
## Glucose Values While Sleeping
##   length       n    NAs  unique     0s   mean  meanCI
##      708     708      0      78      0  79.69   78.63
##           100.0%   0.0%           0.0%          80.74
##      .05     .10    .25  median    .75    .90     .95
##    53.00   61.00  72.00   81.00  88.00  97.00  101.65
##    range      sd  vcoef     mad    IQR   skew    kurt
##    92.00   14.24   0.18   11.86  16.00  -0.18    0.84
## lowest : 40.0 (3), 41.0 (4), 42.0 (3), 43.0 (2), 44.0
## highest: 119.0 (2), 120.0, 125.0, 131.0, 132.0

glucose %>% filter(apply(sapply(glucose$time,
                                function(x) !(x %within% activity_intervals(activity_raw,"Sleep"))),
                         any)) %>% select(value) %>% 
  DescTools::Desc(main = "Glucose Values While Awake")
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
## Describe . (tbl_df, tbl, data.frame):
## data.frame:  2692 obs. of  1 variables
##   Nr  ColName  Class    NAs        Levels
##   1   value    numeric  17 (0.6%)        
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
## Glucose Values While Awake
##   length      n    NAs  unique      0s    mean  meanCI
##    2'692  2'675     17     120       0   91.40   90.66
##           99.4%   0.6%            0.0%           92.14
##      .05    .10    .25  median     .75     .90     .95
##    63.00  69.00  79.00   90.00  102.00  117.00  128.00
##    range     sd  vcoef     mad     IQR    skew    kurt
##   151.00  19.53   0.21   16.31   23.00    0.55    1.03
## lowest : 40.0 (3), 41.0 (4), 42.0 (3), 43.0 (2), 44.0 (5)
## highest: 166.0 (2), 172.0, 187.0, 188.0, 191.0

glucose %>% filter(apply(sapply(glucose$time,
                                function(x) x %within% activity_intervals(activity_raw,"Exercise")),2,any)) %>% select(value) %>% 
  DescTools::Desc(main = "Glucose Values While Exercising")
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
## Describe . (tbl_df, tbl, data.frame):
## data.frame:  31 obs. of  1 variables
##   Nr  ColName  Class    NAs       Levels
##   1   value    numeric  1 (3.2%)        
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
## Glucose Values While Exercising
##   length      n    NAs  unique      0s    mean  meanCI
##       31     30      1      27       0   92.20   85.11
##           96.8%   3.2%            0.0%           99.29
##      .05    .10    .25  median     .75     .90     .95
##    69.45  70.90  77.25   89.50  103.75  116.40  121.10
##    range     sd  vcoef     mad     IQR    skew    kurt
##    77.00  18.98   0.21   20.02   26.50    0.67   -0.20
## lowest : 67.0, 69.0, 70.0, 71.0, 72.0
## highest: 110.0, 116.0, 120.0, 122.0, 144.0